Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Honoring Agreements

Justice is Served!

You said you didn't have to honor our contract for the rental agreement "since you hadn't signed it, and emails are not legal in Guatemala."

You received American dollars in an American bank for your American company as you requested, on the basis of our email contract.

You do have to honor your agreements made by email in the United States, whether you like it or not. You chose to create a personal vendetta against me for no reason at all. All you had to do was refund my money. It's to your everlasting shame that you have been exposed to the world for how you do business in Panajachel. What happened to the ideals of peace and justice? Does this mean nothing to you?

I have done business all my life and NEVER had someone go after me the way you did. This is unacceptabel.

INGUAT and the Guatemalan court system are going to see the judgment against you. I have provided copies of everything and will file a police report when I return.

Peace and Justice do count in this world.

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