Monday, May 18, 2009

Personality Conflict or Money Owed?

Received from another person who feels the need to chime in on what is going on with Richard Morgan, received by email last night, after they read what I wrote earlier:

"Wednesday, July 30, 2008: …He will have to find someone else to "punish and penalize" with his anger. I'm not his wife; no wonder she left him. What took her so long? Everyone knows what Richard Morgan is like. Everyone but me, and now I do, too…"


My response to this person:

Dear Ms. Morgan:

This has NOTHING to do with a "personality conflict." I gave Richard six months rent in advance, $2,400.00, because his manager Christian said they had not had any guests in over four months, and the hotel had no money and Christian had not been paid in four months. I felt sorry for both and said I could certainly "help out" by paying in advance. After I paid, the accommodations, unlike when I had stayed there before, where dirty and dangerous, no gas, no water, no sewer, no toilet, filthy hot tub, dog poop in front of the stairs, dirty room and when they cut the railing to my second story room and I almost fell through in the dark and the rain I had enough. It was dangerous for me to stay there.

I had been there one month and ten days.

Richard stated I was to be "penalized and punished" for leaving and requesting a refund, and decided to charge me almost $2,000.00 out of the $2,400.00 I had paid. If he had simply refunded my money that would have been the end of it. Instead, Richard Morgan stated that he did not have to honor our contract since emails were not legal in Guatemala; and he hadn't signed any contract. So he was going to keep my money. I can't afford to lose $2,000.00. Maybe you can. But I can't and won't.

He had me transfer funds to his American company and American bank in American dollars via that email which he stated he "did not have to honor." Why do you think the judge found in my favor? Because this was a "personality conflict?" That's ridiculous. He attempted to steal my money and it didn't work. That was the conflict. Money, arrogance and greed, pure and simple.

If you want to characterize this as a "personality conflict" that is your decision. But it does not endear me to making any changes on your behalf.

The judge in court looked at the FACTS. Why can't you or Richard seem to do this? This was not a personal issue until Richard and his gang decided to make it one. I was a guest in a hotel. That's all there is too it, and I have the right to express my feelings in the internet age. A blog is not "in print."

Your ex husband has to expect that as he is running a hotel he may well have a negative review of his services. Why do you have a problem with that? What do you think a hotel is? There is nothing personal about it, until your husband threatened me to the extent that I had to file complaints with the police. Do you know who his girlfriend is and what goes on now that you are gone?

Why you feel the need to go after me is astounding, calling me names and chastising me over your "wonderful ex-husband." Do you think that Panajachel, hotbed of gossip and intrigue that it is, isn't still abuzz over everything that has gone on? Why are you adding to it?

I have the right to keep a personal blog and that is what I have done. I expect to have this judgment satisfied and I am under no legal requirement to make any changes to my blog. I don't know you and attacking me is not going to help your cause. Can you give me any reason your comments should be posted, at this stage?


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