Showing posts with label Serial Bully. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serial Bully. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Serial Bully

"All cruelty springs from weakness."
(Seneca, 4BC-AD65)

Constant criticism, nit-picking, no empathy, control freak, denial, charm, glib, compulsive liar, devious, manipulative? Read this

The serial bully

How to spot signs and symptoms of serial bullies, sociopaths and psychopaths, including the sociopathic behaviour of the industrial psychopath and the corporate psychopath

Types of serial bully: The Attention-Seeker, The Wannabe, The Guru and The Sociopath

"Most organisations have a serial bully. It never ceases to amaze me how one person's divisive, disordered, dysfunctional behaviour can permeate the entire organisation like a cancer."
Tim Field

"The truth is incontrovertible; malice may attack it, ignorance my deride it, but in the end, there it is."
Winston Churchill

"Lack of knowledge of, or unwillingness to recognise, or outright denial of the existence of the serial bully is the most common reason for an unsatisfactory outcome of a bullying case for both the employee and employer"
Tim Field


Keywords: serial, bully, profile, psychopath, psychopathic, sociopath, sociopathic, behaviour, behavior, signs, symptoms, corporate, workplace, industrial, manipulator, intimidate, attention, seeker, wannabe, guru, administrative, psychos, suits, snakes, work, workplace, bullying, antisocial

On this page
The can of worms behind every case
Introduction to the serial bully | Detailed profile of the serial bully
Types of serial bully: The Attention-Seeker, The Wannabe, The Sociopath and The Guru
Denial - avoiding acceptance of responsibility
Sexual assault and denial in the Paul Hickson case
Projection | Affairs | Validity of testimony | Other web pages
On another page
Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) | Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD) | Borderline Personality Disorder
Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy | Attention seeking
How, where and why bullies target their victims


The focus of this page is the serial bully in the workplace, however, the profile is relevant to most types of abusers, including:

* adult bullies in the workplace
* abusive and violent partners and family members
* abusers of those in care
* bullying neighbours, landlords, authorities, etc
