Sunday, May 31, 2009

Justice and Peace

Justice has been served in the case of Richard Morgan and Posada los Encuentros, but now I must practice "real justice" which is "real peace." I was very afraid to stand up for myself in the face of real threats and a character smear campaign, but I did it in spite of everything and I was protected. The truth won. The facts won. I won.

It took almost a year of repeated, unending attacks at the most unexpected times and from people I didn't even know (Morgan's little "gang"), but I was able to stick it out with the constant never-ending encouragement and advice of unending friends and supporters. Without them, I would NEVER have been able to do this. "Don't give up" they would always remind me, and I'd get back in the ring. This was a real turning point for me.

The only people who would believe the negative gossip spread about me are those that have not met me, and believe whatever they hear and whatever they are told. It matters not. I am learning to trust my own perceptions and not what the minions might say. I can't do anything about negative people, but I can stand in the light and tell my truth. The truth ultimately always wins.

I am grateful for all God has given me and for giving me this experience to help make me strong. I will be repaid and I will learn to practice peace. It's one lesson after another.
Sunday, May. 31

May God protect us, grant us wisdom's fruit; may we gain energy to know the Truth; may our intellects grow clear and bright; may we cherish no ill feelings toward anyone. Om, peace, peace, peace be unto all.

Taittiriya Upanishad 2.1.1

Monday, May 18, 2009

Travelocity review: “Friendly place, but terribly dirty”

This is another review posted by guests who stayed at the hotel the same time I did: Does it appear they were having a "personality conflict" with Richard Morgan as well?

“Friendly place, but terribly dirty”
Posada Los Encuentros
Save Review
2 of 5 stars
CAExplorers 2 contributions
Jul 5, 2008
2/3 found this review helpful

We stayed here in May and although the staff were friendly enough the place needed a darn good clean.

The room was stuffy and smelt unclean, the heavy rugs were filthy and the fresh water outside looked very dubious. Thick layer of dush below th bed and around the room.

One look at the hottub and we needed to be clean or at least slightly clean for us to put one toe in.

After reading reviews of the place we were a little let down by what could be a wonderful place to stay.

Once they've really cleaned up, freshenend the rooms, washed out the hot tub it would eb OK, but our advice is don't stay until they've dne that.

* Liked — Not a huge amount!
* Disliked — Very, very dirty

* My ratings for this hotel are:
o 2 of 5 stars Value
o 1 of 5 stars Rooms
o 3 of 5 stars Location
o 1 of 5 stars Cleanliness
o 3 of 5 stars Check in / front desk
o 3 of 5 stars Service

* Date of Stay: May 2008
* Visit was for: Quality time with family
* Traveling group: Spouse / significant other
* Your age range: 25-34
* Member since: July 05, 2008

* Would I recommend this hotel to my best friend? probably not
* I selected this hotel as a top choice for: Other

Personality Conflict or Money Owed?

Received from another person who feels the need to chime in on what is going on with Richard Morgan, received by email last night, after they read what I wrote earlier:

"Wednesday, July 30, 2008: …He will have to find someone else to "punish and penalize" with his anger. I'm not his wife; no wonder she left him. What took her so long? Everyone knows what Richard Morgan is like. Everyone but me, and now I do, too…"


My response to this person:

Dear Ms. Morgan:

This has NOTHING to do with a "personality conflict." I gave Richard six months rent in advance, $2,400.00, because his manager Christian said they had not had any guests in over four months, and the hotel had no money and Christian had not been paid in four months. I felt sorry for both and said I could certainly "help out" by paying in advance. After I paid, the accommodations, unlike when I had stayed there before, where dirty and dangerous, no gas, no water, no sewer, no toilet, filthy hot tub, dog poop in front of the stairs, dirty room and when they cut the railing to my second story room and I almost fell through in the dark and the rain I had enough. It was dangerous for me to stay there.

I had been there one month and ten days.

Richard stated I was to be "penalized and punished" for leaving and requesting a refund, and decided to charge me almost $2,000.00 out of the $2,400.00 I had paid. If he had simply refunded my money that would have been the end of it. Instead, Richard Morgan stated that he did not have to honor our contract since emails were not legal in Guatemala; and he hadn't signed any contract. So he was going to keep my money. I can't afford to lose $2,000.00. Maybe you can. But I can't and won't.

He had me transfer funds to his American company and American bank in American dollars via that email which he stated he "did not have to honor." Why do you think the judge found in my favor? Because this was a "personality conflict?" That's ridiculous. He attempted to steal my money and it didn't work. That was the conflict. Money, arrogance and greed, pure and simple.

If you want to characterize this as a "personality conflict" that is your decision. But it does not endear me to making any changes on your behalf.

The judge in court looked at the FACTS. Why can't you or Richard seem to do this? This was not a personal issue until Richard and his gang decided to make it one. I was a guest in a hotel. That's all there is too it, and I have the right to express my feelings in the internet age. A blog is not "in print."

Your ex husband has to expect that as he is running a hotel he may well have a negative review of his services. Why do you have a problem with that? What do you think a hotel is? There is nothing personal about it, until your husband threatened me to the extent that I had to file complaints with the police. Do you know who his girlfriend is and what goes on now that you are gone?

Why you feel the need to go after me is astounding, calling me names and chastising me over your "wonderful ex-husband." Do you think that Panajachel, hotbed of gossip and intrigue that it is, isn't still abuzz over everything that has gone on? Why are you adding to it?

I have the right to keep a personal blog and that is what I have done. I expect to have this judgment satisfied and I am under no legal requirement to make any changes to my blog. I don't know you and attacking me is not going to help your cause. Can you give me any reason your comments should be posted, at this stage?


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday, May. 12

Society evolves not by shouting each other down, but by the unique capacity of unique, individual human beings to comprehend each other.

Lewis Thomas
The Medusa and the Snail

Honoring Agreements

Justice is Served!

You said you didn't have to honor our contract for the rental agreement "since you hadn't signed it, and emails are not legal in Guatemala."

You received American dollars in an American bank for your American company as you requested, on the basis of our email contract.

You do have to honor your agreements made by email in the United States, whether you like it or not. You chose to create a personal vendetta against me for no reason at all. All you had to do was refund my money. It's to your everlasting shame that you have been exposed to the world for how you do business in Panajachel. What happened to the ideals of peace and justice? Does this mean nothing to you?

I have done business all my life and NEVER had someone go after me the way you did. This is unacceptabel.

INGUAT and the Guatemalan court system are going to see the judgment against you. I have provided copies of everything and will file a police report when I return.

Peace and Justice do count in this world.

Bullying and Terrorism

The irony of all this is that if Morgan had just refunded me the money that was due to me, he would have had to pay quite a bit less and none of this would have happened. If he hadn't have felt the need to put me on "enemy status" we both would have gone our own ways, and that would have been the end of it.

But no, Mr. Morgan threatens me and says he is going to "get me?" And keeps my money? And spreads gossip about me and tells people to remove me as a "friend" on FaceBook? He's going to "get me" because he did not refund my money when I was forced to leave where I had paid six months rent in advance to live?

No, no, no. This is not going to happen.

Actions have consequences. We pay a price for anger, arrogance and greed. No one really wins when someone declares war, but no one is going to make war on me and continue to get away with it. I will use lawful means and facts to put an end to terror. I grew up in a military family, so I understand underhanded military tactics and "military justice." I will stand up for myself. You picked on the wrong person when you went after me.

I don't suffer terrorism, and that is what a person who uses intimidation, stealth and misinformation is. You are a terrorist and a bully. You might have gotten away with this in the military culture, but it doesn't cut the mustard in the rest of the world.

I did nothing to you but pay six months in advance, and request a refund when I was forced to leave. You declared war on me for no reason at all, except to keep my money and "teach me a lesson" since you were "going to get me" for filing a complaint. You even tried the tired old useless "sluts or nuts" defense. Hahahaha. Did you really think you would get away with this? Did you think this would work? Women have rights and protections in this world nowadays, in case you hadn't noticed. Did you think you could do all this AND get a good review for your hotel afterwards?

What did you expect? That I would lay down and take it like everybody else you go after?

You weren't able to get my review removed from Travelocity, either, no matter how hard you tried, or how many lies you told. You aren't able to damage my reputation with anyone who knows me. Everything you do continues to show who you are.

You might have frightened me quite a bit in the beginning, shouting and threatening me with your finger in my face, but I'm not afraid of you anymore.

The rest of the world isn't Panajachel, so your gossip-mongering carries no weight outside of the very small bubble you live in. I have come to Panajachel to help the schools and the children around the lake, and I will continue to do so regardless of the threats and lies you tell. Nothing is going to change that. You cannot drive me away. There is too much work to do for the good of the community for me to leave just because you have decided to target me. This is not going to happen, regardless of what you do. It is your behavior that is being recorded here. That's all.

Show the world who you truly are! If you want a good reputation, then DO THE RIGHT THINGS.

Wake up, Richard. The rest of the world knows who you are. I haven't lived in Panajachel very long, but your reputation precedes you. You can get your little gang to mobilize against me, as you've attempted to do, but I don't know these people so it doesn't make any difference at all. There is nothing you can do to hurt me or stop me from having a happy and productive life in Panajachel, helping the schools and continuing on my way.

It's your neck on the chopping block, not mine.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Judgment against Richard Morgan

Scanned judgment showing Defendant Richard Morgan, Adventures in Education, owes plaintiff Catherine Todd $2,500.00, Dated 4/21/2009. From Pima County Arizona Courthouse, Tuscon AZ, where his company Adventures in Education is based.

Is Richard Morgan, retired military, a law-abiding responsible citizen? Will he pay what he owes? The decision is his. If he decides not to, and does not respect the judgment of the court, then his income may be attached and further steps in civil court will be taken to the tune of $10,000.00 or more in damages. It's up to him.

Track Online Abuse

Track online bullies and report abuse and harassment. Use any of the many free "local stat counters" to see who is coming to your site. Here's a recent example of who has been stalking my site, and they are automatically reported as after my experiences with online harassment, stalking and abuse by Richard Morgan, I have set up an "online watch" to handle just this kind of occurrence. It has been very effective. It's easy to identify which computer this visits are coming from, particularly since we can easily imagine who is doing it when Posada Los Encuentros and Richard Morgan are in Guatemala. All ip codes are listed as "Guatemala City, Guatemala and they are tracked from this central location. My computer records every site visit from every person who comes here and abuse is automatically reported. No one can exist "silently and secretly" any longer. LOL, to all you bullies out there!

Recent examples on May 10, 2009:

02:19:56 -- 1 minute ago
Guatemala City, Guatemala left via from "My Terrible Experience at Posada Los Encuentros: Court Cases against Richard Morgan"
08:34:44 -- 17 hours 46 mins ago
Guatemala City, Guatemala left via from "My Terrible Experience at Posada Los Encuentros: Facebook Notification of Harassment by Richard Morgan Szybist"
08:12:14 -- 18 hours 9 mins ago
Guatemala City, Guatemala arrived from on "My Terrible Experience at Posada Los Encuentros: Court Cases against Richard Morgan" by searching for richard morgan szybist.
08:01:54 -- 18 hours 19 mins ago

Sunday, May 10, 2009

How to Report FaceBook Harassment and Abuse

So many people have visited this entry after I posted the fact that I had to report Richard Morgan for harassment and abuse on my FaceBook account, that I am now posting the website and directions as to how to do so. See:

FaceBook did respond, and the offensive comment was removed, and Morgan's abusive behavior on FaceBook has stopped. I was also told to "go to the police" if his harassment continued, which I notified him I would.

Lo and behold, Morgan's stalking, harassment and abusive treatment stopped! Miracle of Miracles! FaceBook did their job and I am now free to enjoy this site with friends, as this site was intended to be.

FaceBook was not intended for personal vendettas, enemies, or other offensive behavior, and with reports of abuse people learn very quickly what is acceptable and what is not. You are perfectly safe to make reports, as your name is kept anonymous if you so choose.

I made this harassment public as I wanted to send a message that this type of behavior is unacceptable, and there will be consequences including termination of one's account. Bullies are not welcome here. I urge everyone having the same problem to break their silence, don't be afraid, and take steps to protect yourself. Stand up for yourself! Facebook makes it very easy to do.

If you are having the same problem I did, go to the FaceBook Help Center (click on "Help" on the bottom of any page) and type in "report abuse."

* Help Center

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How do I report abuse?

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Questions and Answers from Users ... (more)

How to report harassment and abuse

Response to "Anonymous"

To "anonymous" (SAM?)

The judge in court has found in my favor, so whatever and whoever you are, you should get your facts straight before you attempt to defend a situation you know nothing about. Your ex-husband (if you are who you say you are) shook his fist in my face and threatened to "get me." I have never been treated as poorly as I was by your ex-husband, and this happened to me, not you. You were not there, as you say, so why are you defending someone that you have divorced? If everything was a bed of roses, you might still be there. Your ex-husband is not someone I was "having an affair with." Your ex-husband committed fraud and stole $2,000.00 from me. He then harassed and threatened me. This is a crime, whether you like it or not.

Court cases and judgments are public knowledge, and Richard Morgan is well-known to the judges in Guatemala and Arizona. There are a number of cases against Richard Morgan in Tuscon Arizona, which can be verified online.

Pima County Justice Court, small claims court, Tuscon Arizona:

Search by case name and you will how many cases have been filed against "Richard Morgan." I counted 17 cases going back to 1989, and they haven't even updated this list under Richard Morgan's name with my case and award yet.

You can find my case with the award for $2,500.00 with interest at 10% against defendant ADVENTURES IN EDUCATION, INC (which is the name in the United States that Richard Morgan operates under, and who he had me make the check made out to):

TODD, CATHERINE S Plaintiff 04/21/2009 Awarded $2,500.00. vs. ADVENTURES IN EDUCATION, Inc. Defendant

See more about "Adventures in Education" at: "Adventures in Education, Inc., and Aventuras en EducaciĆ³n, SA, are affiliate companies that collaborate to provide recreational vacations and memorable learning experiences... Los Encuentros Posada y Centro Cultural is our joint activity center at Lake Atitlan and offers lodging, study facilities, and a fitness center. ..."

Mail To:
Posada Los Encuentros
Callejon Chotzar 0-41, Jucanya
Panajachel, Solola
Guatemala, C.A.

See more at

Sounds good, doesn't it? Too bad it didn't live up to it's advertising. If it had, I would not have had to go to court for a refund, would I?

I am not the first person to have to take Richard Morgan to court, and I probably won't be the last. I have won my case and he owes me the money he took, regardless of what you or he or whoever he pays to write emails to me wants to believe. I've received other "attack-emails" about this situation; Morgan allegedly makes a habit of it. So you can pat yourself on the back for a little while, but it doesn't change a thing. The fact that you fail to identify yourself leads me to wonder who really wrote this comment? Name yourself if you want to be believed.

If anyone threatens me, I will take steps to protect myself. If they keep it up, I will file charges for harassment and stalking. No one has to put up with this kind of behavior. I do have the right to keep a blog and any hotelier in business knows that they risk their reputation when they mistreat or steal from their guests.

Why Morgan thought he could get away with this I will never know, but apparently he is used to getting his own way with intimidation and threats. His reputation precedes him in Panajachel, from anyone that really knows him. He is known around town as "un hombre muy malo" ("a very bad man"). This has been documented a number of times, and a quick look at the court cases against bears this out.

Abusers can only keep up their mask and pretense for so long, and then that mask will crack. It cracked many times in front of me, and it was not a pretty sight.

Perhaps you are one of those "battered wives" who took it all silently, blamed themselves and ultimately defended their abusers. But I am not. I do speak out about what happens to me, and I have every right to keep a blog which is for my benefit, not necessarily for others. If this helps others to know that if the same thing has happened to them, they can also speak out, so much the better. If you look at the reviews for his hotel, you will see that other people had the same problems I did at the time I lived there. They too "spoke out." Have you also written to them?

Your "good friend and an exceptional father" has another side, whether or not you like it or are aware of it. If he had treated me decently, then I wouldn't have had this problem, would I? And the judge would not have found in my favor.

Perhaps you should see the evidence before you judge me and my situation in advance.

Identify yourself and we can talk further if you like. You can write to me directly. As you said, you were not there when all this took place. If you had been there, perhaps things would have turned out differently. In the meantime, people change and perhaps you are not aware of the many changes that have taken place. Perhaps you are not aware of the drugs and drinking that goes on in this place. Perhaps you are not aware of the new girlfriend who practices "voodoo" on people. She takes it seriously, even if I do not!

Perhaps you are not aware that your ex-husband's defense was that he "did not have to honor the email contract he made with me, since emails are not valid in Guatemala" when he requested and received six months rent in advance, sent by email to his American bank. This was the most shocking of all, that your ex-husband intended to and did commit fraud right from the start.

Things change, and people change. If things were so great with your ex-husband, then why did you get a divorce? There are plenty of stories around Pana about things that went on, so I would suggest that you consider your own situation before you pass judgement on mine. Believe me, your ex-husband has not gotten away with cheating me and he won't be able to do it to anyone else. I am not willing to lose $2,000.00 so easily. Perhaps you are, but I'm not. If Richard Morgan doesn't pay the judgment against him, he may be liable for an extra $10,000.00. This is not a joke.

Fraud and harassment is a crime, whether or not you believe it.

I want to thank you for jogging my memory about this situation, since I have not heard from Morgan since the judgment was rendered, even though his representative said he would "get back to me." Thanks to your email, I am going take the next steps of filing to receive payment with an additional potential award for falsifying information presented to the court (called "perjury" if you haven't heard of it), which will only make things go harder for Richard Morgan, "retired military," as he signs himself. Even military people have to obey the law, like it or not.

So I am sorry for you, but nothing you say is going to change what Richard Morgan did or the outcome of it. Defending him and calling me names doesn't change who and what he is, or what we are. Think about that, before you downgrade me. Things like this need to be exposed. People who have been injured and defrauded have the right to be heard. Perhaps you should request that the court seal the records and change the rules about "public records." But I don't think you will get very far with this. How else can people know who to avoid doing business with in the future?

If everyone "kept quiet" the way you suggest, we might as well do away with the entire court system in the free world. "Military Justice" and "kangaroo courts" don't fly in the civilian world, whether or not you like it. Attempting to downgrade me changes NOTHING when it comes to the FACTS.

Why do you hide behind "Anonymous" or signing yourself as "SAM?" Who are you? I have never mentioned the name of Richard Morgan's ex-wife, so I don't understand why you allege that you are her. Identify yourself before you leave "anonymous comments" on other people's blogs.

Richard Morgan Szybist on Facebook

Richard Morgan Szybist
Central Jersey, NJ
