Friday, April 24, 2009

Sad, but Relieved

I won in small claims court in Arizona, so have come home sad (that I had to go), but relieved. The man - Richard Morgan - that I had to sue was so incredibly abusive, it was like re-living "in my father's house" all over again. He and his manager Christian Boge harassed me from the day I got there, all because he had my six months rent in advance. Why not drive me out and try to keep the money? What he did was illegal and criminal in the United States. Did he not think that I would take action here? Did he think his Guatemalan gossip would make any difference at all in a real court of law?

It took almost a year, but I would not give up. When I came back from court and looked in the mirror, I was seven feet tall! Every time I stand up for myself, I am "growing up" right before my eyes. It's really incredible.

I am not responsible for someone else's rage, including Richard Morgan's. There are laws to protect us from people like him, and this man cannot assault me physically or he will go to jail. He cannot even make threats here in America, and I will find out if he can be charged in Guatemala. He said he was "going to get me" but it has been the other way around. I am protected now.

If he does anything to hurt me, the court has already found in my favor and he will be found guilty AGAIN. People like him need to be stopped before they do more harm in this world.

Thank God for large and small favors.

Innocence and guilt do count in the real world, outside of the abuser's small sphere of influence. Richard Morgan, you are an abuser but you will abuse me no longer. Pay what you owe and this will come to an end. If you had done the right thing from the beginning, none of this would have happened. But you didn't, did you? You thought you were above the law, but you are not. None of us are. God sees everything we do, including you; whether you like it or not.

You said you were "going to get me," but I am not afraid of you any longer. I will take the court's judgment to the police in Panajachel so they will know if you try to do anything more to harm me. You couldn't drive me away AND keep my $2,000.00. Two thousand dollars is a lot of money to try and steal from someone. Anger and Greed got in the way, didn't it? Now you owe more.

How many other people have you done this to? I hope they now have the courage to begin to come forward. Panajachel is not that small anymore, and you don't rule the roost.

* * * * *

Afterthought: If, as you stated to INGUAT previously, you actually charge $700.00 to $1,000.00 per month for one room at your posada (when rooms are listed for $20.00 a night on the hostel websites), have you reported this so-called income? We'll find out when I get back to Pana. I'm sure INGUAT, the hotel board, and SAT, the tax office, will be interested to know.

$800.00 per month rent in Pana or anywhere around Lake Atitlan gets a three story house complete with housekeeper, cook, gardener and more. Very interesting, the rates you claim to be charging when it comes to me and one small, dirty room with ants and broken screens. The court didn't buy it and neither does anyone else. I have your real rate schedule. It's on the web. How did you think you could hide this?

And if you don't pay the judgment against you, this case will automatically go to Civil Court where you can be personally held liable for more than $10,000.00 in damages, plus attorney's fees. Think about it and do the right thing, for once in your life. Save yourself more trouble and grief. It's all the same to me.

You were fined by INGUAT for using a false name, you hadn't paid taxes, you had no building permit for the new construction you were doing with my money. Did you really think you would get away with all this? Then more lies to the court, when my case has never been in a Guatemalan court of law, nor have they ever been "dismissed." I didn't accept your offer to repay less than half of what you owed. That's not a "dismissal." Do you not understand the English language? Or do you just tell lies automatically? Misleading or false statements do not serve you well in court; but perhaps you are used to the Pana Gossip Chain to get your way. As of now, those days are over.

Mr. Morgan, you keep digging your own grave deeper and deeper. Do yourself a favor and just climb out. Do the right thing.

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